UcaDO is the must-have property app which does not require an estate agent! Wave goodbye to unwanted estate agency fees - say hello to booking viewing appointments directly with the seller, quickly and seamlessly. The future of selling and buying properties is here with UcaDO!
Download the UcaDO app and use its unique interactive guide throughout the entire buying and selling process. Renting, selling and buying a property has never been so simple. It is now even possible for students to rent rooms with UcaDO!
What’s the problem?
Currently, nearly all property transactions are undertaken with the use of an estate agent who is engaged by the selling vendor, with remuneration sought by way of a percentage of the sale price or an up-front fee, irrespective of sale or not - in nearly all cases.
Unfortunately, the existing process has proven to be inefficient over the years and, with increasing competition from online models, more & more estate agents are involved in a ‘race to the bottom’ with ever reducing fees and a subsequent reduction in the level of customer service for the respective client.
Customer satisfaction levels for the service offered by estate agents is at an all-time low and over 30% of all property transactions are expected to fail.
No problem when using UcaDO!
UcaDO has been created to change this process radically – instead of the vendor paying an agent, neither the seller nor buyer will pay anything to advertise and find the right property.
The core aim of UcaDO is that it won’t be acting as a proxy estate agent, it is designed to help guide buyers and sellers through the whole process of a property transaction and to provide help and assistance through carefully placed advertising at appropriate points in the process.
Trusted Solution Providers pay to be within the UcaDO app, providing services when buyers and sellers most need them, during every stage of their journey.
Key Features:
- No estate agent involvement
- Tenants and buyers talk directly to sellers and landlords
- Wave goodbye to estate agency fees
- Interactive guide through the selling and buying processes
- Focus on the person-to-person nature of the transaction
- Improved satisfaction levels from participants
- Revenue generation for advertisers
- Revenue generation for UcaDO through advertising
- National coverage
- Making viewing appointments easier for seller and buyer
- Geo-location of potential properties for sale in the app mapping